Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Gods Wonderful Blessings!

O Give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 107:1

I thought I would share with you all a wonderful blessing I received yesterday from our Lord!

We moved to our present home three years ago and with our new home came electric heat. Not a good thing with the rising cost of electricity.

We decided after the first winter to purchase a used pellet stove and we placed it in our basement.

Last winter was pretty cold and the pellet stove did pretty well keeping us warm but the bedrooms are located on the other end of the house over a garage so they tended to stay much cooler.

Now regularly I like to sleep in a room that is a little bit cooler but now that I have not been pregnant :) I am much colder at night. It seemed like I just could not get warm enough and I could never fall asleep.

The rest of the family never complained about being cold but my feet would be so cold even with two pairs of socks on that I could never fall asleep until late into the night.

I must say that I tried many things. I even tried taking a heating pad the kind you warm up in a microwave to wrap around my feet!

I finally told my husband that I could take no more so he had a wonderful idea and we brought out his thermal sleeping bag and that is what I would slip into at night under the other blankets.
This did the trick and I was able to finally get some sleep.

Well now it is summer and hot and those cold nights were long forgotten until yesterday when my husband came home from work with a surprise for me.

A kind gentleman from his shop asked him if he would be interested in having a beautiful queen size duel temperature heating blanket! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!

How excited I was to see how my God was already taking care of this winter for me!

With rising heating costs I know that many of us have been turning down the heat to reduce the cost. It is easy sometimes to say Lord how much more can we endure? I know that our God is able to provide all of our needs even when things seem impossible from a humans point of view!

Praise the Lord for his goodness!

May I always remember to Praise Our God for his Wonderful Blessings!

Psalms 109:
27- That they may know that this is thy hand; that tho, Lord , hast done it.

30- I will greatly praise the Lord with my mouth; yea, I will praise him among the multitude.

May we always remember to give God all of the Praise!

God Bless, Kathy

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