Sunday, August 31, 2008

Back to School!

Well we started school again this past week and things have been very busy!

I am homeschooling 6 of our children this year.

Our oldest son Brandon is in the 12th grade this year so we are hoping to get him through and graduated. Our son Collin is in 10th grade according to his age but he is doing the same work as his older brother.

Our daughter Stephanie is now in 4th grade and Jeremiah is in 3rd.

That leaves our 6 year old Matthew who is now in first grade.

Caleb our 4 year old and Katelyn our two year old are busy learning their colors and letters, counting and some phonics sounds.

In just this one week I can hear my two year old singing around the house her ABC's and counting 1,7,9 just so adorable!

Our day is very full and some times I wonder how I will ever get every thing accomplished but I know that I must trust Gods grace to help me get through each day.

This is our thirteenth year of homeschooling and it is always changing.

I often think what will it be like when our little ones are homeschooling as well?

Homeschooling with toddlers does make things challenging. Our four year old son is very busy! We have to keep a constant eye on him. I have learned through the years that sharing the responsibilty of playing with and watching the younger ones with my older children has truely been a blessing and a help.

Our oldest daughter is home this year and so she has been a tremendous help in this area. I also have my nine year old helping and our eight year old.

This enables me to have one on one time with each of the children in their school work.

Well I hope that you all have a great school year this year. Enjoy the time with your children, because it flies by so quickly!

God Bless, Kathy

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