IPeter 3:4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.A meek and quiet spirit. Something I greatly desire to have in my life but something I still struggle with so much.
The Lord has really been speaking to me lately about having a meek and quiet spirit.
The Lord has blessed my husband and I with eight children.
Lately things here have seemed to be a little strained and when ever I pray about it I feel the Lord telling me that a meek a quiet spirit from me would make a huge difference in our home.
We home school so our days are quite busy and full and there are so many things that can rob me of that sweet spirit.
Still this is my hearts desire. So I am trying to make some changes in my day that would hopefully help me to keep that sweet spirit through out the day.
Of course I can not have a meek and quiet spirit with out the Holy Spirit doing a work in my heart and life. I know that I need to walk in the Spirit and not in my flesh.
One of the things that the Lord has impressed on my heart is that I need to take better care of my dear husband. It is so easy to forget this from day to day with all of the other responsibilities that always seem so pressing.
So what can I do to help me to achieve this great desire of a meek and quiet spirit?
Well I know that one of the most important things that I can do is to spend some time with my Lord. As Mary did sitting at the feet of Jesus.
(Painting by Mary Casset)
With eight children this can be quite a challenge! I have tried having my quiet time with the Lord really early in the morning. I am not a morning person by nature so this is really difficult for me. If I wait until 6:00am in the morning this time already seems to late. My husband is getting up at that time and my little ones begin to emerge out of their rooms.
But I have to ask is my time with the Lord more precious to me that that extra hour of sleep?
My spirit says YES! My flesh still struggles though.
Another way to help me to have a meek and quiet spirit is to determine in my day what are the little issues that arise and cause me to loose that meek and quiet spirit?
There are so many things that can cause me to loose that sweet spirit..
A huge mess in the house,
Getting up to late.
Feeling like I am running behind in my day.
And the list can go on.
I have set up a schedule to try to direct our day so that we can try to accomplish the things that need to get done during the day.
Today I decided to make a little list of things that I really need to get accomplished so I feel like my day is being productive, and to remind myself of little things like doing something sweet for my husband.
I am sure that many of you would have other ideas that help you with having that meek and quiet spirit.
In my devotions I have been reading in I Peter. Peter mentions that having a Meek and Quiet Spirit was so important. That struck me as this was coming from a man who was a bold person.
He knew that having a meek and quiet spirit is of a great price to the Lord.
I know that this is a process in my life that the Lord is working on.
Hopefully someday I will be able to look back on my life and see that finally the Lord allowed me to have that much desired Meek and quiet Spirit!
God Bless, Kathy